Arlisia Potter Bible,family,friends,growth,life,past Looking Back to Look Forward

Looking Back to Look Forward

The past….there’s so much to say about it. It molds who we are, it molds who we become, it hinders some, it allows some to grow….. What is it for you????

I’ve had a few conversations with friends & family about past experiences. I’ve learned so much, but one of the things at the top of the list is that your past does not have to become your future. We think that we may become our parents or a not-so-good product of the environment we grew up in. It’s the reality that we knew & came to expect. However, how are you using the past to help you in your future? Because if you’re letting your past continue to use you, then where’s the growth? The self-improvement?

So many people hang on to the past & it gets them nowhere. BUT if you can look at the past & learn & grow from it, then that’s a good thing. If you can look at the past hurts, pains, & people who hurt you, then you can move on.

Only in America can you come from a background of proverty or one that seemed “rough” & become “something” or “someone“. You can get that education you seek, that dream job you want, that house-on-the-hill. Yes, even with the economy the way it is!!! Because, believe me, I know people who are still doing all of this in the midst of this ecomonic downfall!

You may ask, “Where do I start?”. “Somewhere” is the answer. Check yourself & realize the things/people that have hurt you or continue to hurt you, think on the things you’ve overcome & learned from, where are the areas that you can still grow, write a letter to the person who’s hindering/hurt you to let it go. (I’ve tried it, & you may be doing it more for yourself than for the person because they may have no clue as to where you’re coming from!). But DO YOU & see what happens. Don’t let the past hold you back from the something better in your life.

Start somewhere & see what happens.

Philippians 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.

Until next time.


~Lisi P

© Lisi P, 2008


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