Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures Daily Scriptures 11/10/08

Daily Scriptures 11/10/08

Scripture: Psalm 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

Nugget: As a Floridian, I’ve seen various storms, including hurricanes, come through the state. The one thing I’ve noticed is that you rarely see a palm tree uprooted & thrown about during these storms. Palm trees bend & cater to the wind & heavy rains that arise.

This is how God wants us to be in our lives when we’re facing storms. When we experience things in our lives that we feel will either make us or break us, we must learn to bend & lean on God to handle the things that arise. God built us to experience many things, some will be good & some bad, but more importantly, He built us to lean & depend on Him. Bend like the Palms!!!!

Quote: “It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened.” –Sir Philip Sidney

© Lisi P, 2008


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