This Day in History: 1/20/09

Today is a day that I thought I’d never see!! An African-American sworn in as the 44th President of the United States: Barack Obama.

Martin Luther King & those soldiers who stood up for Civil Rights (& some who died) for it, are smiling down from Heaven or cheering on in the crowds from the event itself or in their living rooms. Asking the older generation, such as my grandpa, what they think about today, I hear, “The last will one day be first!” Which is definitely true.

I wonder what I will tell my future child(ren) about today. I got a great answer from a dear friend: “Tell them today is the day is the day America truly became America.” This is the America that many envisioned but never thought would come to pass! But it’s here.

There’s a shift & a change in people. There’s no where to look but up & at the possibilities that today & future days bring. There’s the hope that change does exist & does happen. What else could we ask for but this togetherness & bonding?

To some, this change happened because of the Obama campaign & the whole campaign in general. However, this was the final catalyst in what has been a long time coming due to those of & in our past. Those who never gave up the hope of the future. The future that included us when we didn’t know we would be here. The future that included an African American being President. The future that includes more than we could bargain for.

Now, I know that the road ahead will not be an easy one. Obama is inheriting a bad economy, down-trodden people, & more. But we must remember that God ordained this to happen & we must keep God first. Continue to put that hope & desire for change in the Lord!!

Welcome, Mr. President!! First Lady, Michelle, & our darling First Children, Malia & Sasha. We continue to pray for you as we do America & this world.

Today in history………What will you say about it????

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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