
For the past few days, I’ve been off from work. I initially had plans for the weekend that fell through, but I’m understanding a little now of why this happened. The importance of rest: even God said to rest!!!

I’m one who rarely sits down & takes the time to just take in some of the simple things. This weekend I had the chance to do this!! From sitting with my child-cat on the porch to strolling the stores to taking in a good book to working on my writing—my rest was wonderful!!!!

I do think we tend to take for granted how important it is to rest; especially with everything that goes on in our fast-paced society. I’m just so happy to have had these days to myself & to reflect on many things along the way.

So, my friends, don’t forget this learned lesson from me: rest.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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