Arlisia Potter lessons,life One of Those Days….

One of Those Days….

We’ve all had one of those days! You know, the days where things and people agitate you. Monday was that day for me. My agitation stemmed from the furniture place not delivering what I ordered for the 3rd time!! It boggled my mind as to how a company could come and bring not once, not twice, but three times, the item I did not want and had repeatedly stated this. Needless to say, later that evening I showed up at the store, spoke to the manager, & finally got things straightened out. Maybe on the next delivery it will be correct. LOL

Other than the craziness of the delivery, things are well. Thanksgiving was great and Christmas is on the horizon. I remind myself daily to count all blessings in the midst of what’s going on. I’m learning not to let the little things (and some big things) get to me. I think this is a continuous work in progress! LOL. But progress is good, right?

So hopefully, my lessons of dealing with the furniture place have paid off. I don’t like to repeat the tests that God presents me 🙂 So maybe, just maybe, He’s looking down saying, “She finally got it”.

So my friends, learn from lessons, they are presented daily. Take the good with the bad & know what to focus on. There’s a solution somewhere in there & most times, a lesson in the process!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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