
For the past few years, I’ve reminded myself to complete a self-evaluation. This self-evaluation could include everything from friendships, to work, to dreams, and more. Where am I now and where am I trying to go? Who’s in my life? Who am I surrounding myself with? Who’s no longer to be a part of my life? And the list goes on.

I think that if we do this, we tend not to lose sight of the things we need to work on; the things that need improvement. This allows us to constantly work on changing the things within us & those around us (if need be). With so much going on in our everyday lives, it easy to get caught up & lose focus of the things & people that truly matter.

We put so much off for “later”. Dreams that do not get started or completed, the vacations that we “need to take”, that class we’ve been waiting to take, & so much more. What is it that you haven’t started, but wish that you had? What have you been trying to change, but haven’t taken the steps to do so? Who are the people & things you need to let go of in order to move to the next level God has for you? What is the one dream that if today was your last day that you wish you would’ve set out to do?

This current posting is filled with a lot of thought-provoking questions driven to push you (& me) into the things God has in store. We truly can’t get there sitting still or “waiting for later”. These questions are intended to start something; to ignite a fire that hasn’t been started 🙂

We must get to work, for sure!! No point in putting things off any longer.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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Every day I learn more & more about changes. Just when I think that I have experienced something, & learned from it, God provides another opportunity for me to learn