Happy Birthday!!!

I thank God for allowing me to see another day, let alone another year!!  I’m happy to see another birthday.  I think that on every birthday, I tend reflect back on my life, all that God has brought me through, & where He’s leading me. 

I’m reminded that life is so precious & I shouldn’t take any moments for granted.  I reflect on this year: spending time with family & friends, watching my nieces learn to say “TiTi”, having tough weeks, wishing for more time to do more things, learning to relax, & more.  A great year it has been, the good along with the bad.

God knows His continued plans for my life; I pray that I pay attention to where He’s guiding me.  I’m here for a reason & want to continue to show His works on a daily basis!!

Birthdays are definitely God’s way of letting us know the importance of the gift of life 🙂

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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