Giving Thanks!!

I hope that everyone had a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving!  Mine was quite enjoyable 🙂  I met my newest nephew for the first time; too adorable.  A priceless event!

I do love this time of the year: Thanksgiving to Christmas.  I think it truly gives us time to reflect on what’s important.  Too many times we take things & people for granted.  This Thanksgiving, I began to give thanks for the lessons learned, the people I’ve met, the ones that have passed on, the ones that are still here, my home, job, & friends…..the list goes on….most importantly, God, & His son, Jesus.

We also must take time to remember those who are less fortunate or those in need.  While Thanksgiving to Christmas is supposed to be a happy & joyful time, many are facing difficulties that we could only imagine.  Daily, people are losing their jobs and/or homes.  We must take time out to pray for them & help if we can.  A reminder that we’re all in this together & should consistently uplift each other in prayer.

May we continue to give thanks for what we have, what’s ahead, & what we’ve experienced.  It’s all part of God’s master plan 🙂  Don’t take any of it for granted.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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