Smile God Loves You!!

A few years ago, I was a cashier at a department store. During this time, I was going through various changes & experiences in my life (just balancing my school & work schedules were challenging). I’m sure I asked God, “Why me?” on more than a few occasions. God has a way of helping all of us when we least expect it, & even through the people we least expect. Of course, I had many friends who were encouraging me & cheering me on, but God sent the confirmation to keep going through someone who didn’t even know she impacted my life.

There was an elderly woman who would come through my line with her daughter’s assistance (I’m assuming it was her daughter). For some reason, I didn’t initially notice the woman, but her daughter (as she was the one who communicated with me the most). Well, what caught my attention about the woman was the pin/button she always wore. She always had a pin/button attached to her blouse/shirt/sweater that stated, “Smile God Loves You.” Even on the most difficult & challenging days, I couldn’t help but to smile.

You see, at this time, I was also beginning to go to church & praying about my Christian walk. There were many things I was learning & many things I didn’t know. So the reminder from the woman’s pin/button was definitely right on time.

Some people never know the impact they will make on us. At times, God sends them fleetingly to us. Some people will walk in for a moment, touch our lives, & God sends them on. The funny thing is, the elderly woman still impacts me now—from the pin/button she wore, with words she wanted for someone to read. Thanking God he allowed me to see & accept the words during one of the most difficult times in my life.

I never got the chance to tell the woman the impact the pin/button made; she did come through my checkout lines a few times after that; the pin/button always visible & always encouraging. Each time, I had no reason not to smile—the reminder that God loved me allowed me to carry on. Not only did it allow me to carry on, I felt that in my heart He loved me no matter what.

Thanking God for the elderly woman He sent to impact my life; she never knew she did, but I am grateful for her impact on my Christian walk.

“Smile God Loves You” too!!
Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2011


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