Wondering & Waiting

Do you ever wonder what God is up to? I know I do; however, I do know that He’s working. I do wonder if this is a reflection of my faith & patience in waiting. Hmmmm.

I think my thoughts of “What’s going to happen next in my life?” are in response to my recent birthday (thanking God for another year!). I think birthdays and New Years make us reflect on what has passed & what’s on the way. It’s a reflection on what direction I intend to go & if I’m on the track that He’s set for me.

I guess I’m thinking on the things that I’ve been praying for & about, the things I’m praying to come to pass, & the things that I don’t know that God is working out for my good! Thank goodness He’s in complete control; because if it were up to me, I would probably go in the wrong direction.

I’m learning that no matter what, waiting is a part of life. There are some things we may wait longer for than others, but the point is—waiting is inevitable. Waiting includes preparation, patience, & faith. Eventually, we discover that most things are “worth the wait”.

I continue to pray that God reveal His plans for me during the period of waiting & preparation. I pray that I don’t get impatient & get in the way! LOL. God knows me well; but I can honestly say that I’m not where I used to be.

Thanking God for the gift of waiting on Him. He knows His plans for us & I am blessed to be His child.

Psalm 27:14 Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD! (NKJV)

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2011


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