My Anchor Verse

A fellow blogger, Beth, recently posted to her blog regarding having an anchor verse for 2012; the verse that will carry her through 2012. I’ve had a verse that has carried me through the past few years; I didn’t know it was called an anchor verse. I’ve chosen my verse for this year!

To give a little background, the past year was a very challenging one for me; both professionally & personally. God truly taught me many lessons along the way! I can say that I’m doing my best to take heed to the lessons learned.

One lesson that has stood out the most for me is how precious life is & how each day is a gift—no matter what is going on, no matter how stressful things may get. The gift of each day is something that I cannot take for granted.

I made a vow to start each day of this year by saying, “Today is a good day; today is already a good day; & today is going to be a good day.” I want to call this into the atmosphere before I get out of bed & start any portion of my day! I’m calling things into existence.

With this being said, my anchor verse for this year is:

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” -Psalm 118:24 (KJV)

I am determined to see to see the good in each & every day that God allows me to live; I will thank Him for it. I will acknowledge my appreciation for it—knowing that God loves me enough, not only to give me Jesus, but to allow me to make an impact by seeing another day.

With this being said, I won’t let anyone or anything take my joy (praying hard on staying focused & centered in Him), because it’s so easy to let people & things take over.

I’ll end with a Christina Aguilera song that has impacted me (I know you may be thinking, where did that come from?), but the song is entitled, “Keep on Singin’ My Song”. The words are right on time! No matter what goes on, no matter what anyone says, I’m going to keep singing the song that God has put in me!!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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