Running Update: The Big 10!!

I’m continuing to prepare for the half marathon that I’m registered for. However, I actually registered for a half marathon in December in addition to the one I want to complete in February.  I’ve been in preparation since this past February.

Well, my running partner & I hit a milestone yesterday! We ran our first 10 miles! Whooo hooo! I haven’t done this before & it’s a great accomplishment for sure! Now, if we can do 10, we can do the upcoming 13.1 (half marathon!)

Our running group has recently completed a run in our town along Pres. Barack Obama Parkway; this is a recently opened street in our town. We completed the run to encourage voting (not to encourage voting for a particular candidate). It was a good time!

Photo by Liz C.

Yep, my new running shoes have been getting a workout for sure!!

Photo by ~Lisi. P

© Lisi P, 2012

On to the pavement & the next goal!!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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