Daily Scriptures 1/9/13

Scripture: Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Nugget: I always feel that it takes a special man to be a dad; he goes the extra mile, shows love to his children, is there for his children, & teaches his children about the Lord. Yes, anyone can father a child, but it takes a strong man to be there for his child(ren).

This scripture gives instructions to fathers regarding their children & bringing them up in the discipline & instruction of the Lord; not bringing their children to anger. Sometimes, many forget that this scripture exists; it doesn’t diminish us honoring our parents, but does bring light to what the characteristics of a dad should encompass.

Thanking God for the Godly men He has placed in my life to be father figures & dads to me; they are truly a blessing!

Quotes: “Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.” -Anne Geddes

“A Father’s Love
A father is respected because he gives his children leadership…
appreciated because he gives his children care…
valued because he gives his children time…
loved because he gives his children the one thing they treasure most – himself.”

© Lisi P, 2013


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