
On a recent episode of Iyanla Vanzant’s show, Iyanla: Fix My Life, she interviewed Real Housewives of Atlanta former cast-member, Sheree Whitfield. The show focused on Sheree’s life & various aspects of it. One thing that stood out for me about Sheree’s interview was Iyanla’s statement regarding the incomplete aspects of Sheree’s life. Iyanla brought this up in order to point out how the incomplete elements of life can reflect on other areas of life as well. This was interesting to me because it allowed me to ponder on the things I hadn’t completed & why.

Why are there things that we don’t complete, but keep coming back to? Maybe there’s a dream or goal that you’ve set for yourself; although it hasn’t happened yet or you’ve procrastinated on it, you keep coming back to it? Why is this? For me, I began to focus not only on the incomplete aspects, but the “Why?” behind them. What is really keeping me from doing the things I really want to do? (Especially if these things are to promote God, allow personal growth, & to help others)

We can truly be the ones to get in our own way, or to put it another way, to get in the way of what God has for us. We can let our own doubt, lack of confidence, & our own self-induced roadblocks keep us from our God-given gifts & dreams. We have to get out of our own way!

I’m in the process of reading Joel Osteen’s I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life. Today’s reading stated, “You can still become everything God created you to be.” -Joel Osteen. It’s never too late for us to do this; however, what are we doing to become that man or that woman God has called us to be? Are we working on ourselves? Are we growing in Him? Are we living life & enjoying the journey? OR are we accumulating a growing list of “Incompletes”, allowing time to pass us by?

It’s time. Don’t wait to do what God has called you to do, especially when you’re able to begin doing this now. As long as we have breath in our bodies, we should be aiming to be who God has called us to be.

How can you begin today to complete the incompletes in your life?

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2013


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