Daily Scriptures 7/29/14

Scripture: Psalm 108:4 For thy mercy is great above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds.

Nugget: God’s mercy—do we really think about & appreciate how endless it is? Every day, He grants us new grace & mercy that we take for granted. Do we know of anyone else who wipes our slates clean each day, forgetting about what we did the day before? There’s no one like our God.

In God’s infinite granting of mercy, which reaches above & beyond what we could ever imagine, we are blessed; we are renewed each day with new chances. So let go of yesterday, & walk into today with the clean slate of God.

Quote: ”God doesn’t owe us anything—yet in His grace, He still gives us good things.” -Billy Graham

© Lisi P, 2014


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