Daily Scriptures 5/27/15

Scripture: I Timothy 5:17 The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. (NIV)

Nugget: This scripture reminds me of my Grandpa who passed a few years ago (Oh, how I miss him!). In his actions, words, & during our weekly talks, he had a way of providing words of wisdom that have helped & continue to help me along my life’s journey.

The elders who’ve laid the foundation for us are truly worthy of honor, not only honor, but double honor. They’ve prayed, worked, preached, taught, & so much more; where would we be without what they’ve done?

Quote: “Life had engraved such beauty in those lines of age and wisdom.” -Rosslyn Elliot

© Lisi P, 2015


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