Daily Scriptures 3/23/16

Scripture: Ephesians 3:13 Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. (NLT)

Nugget: In listening to Priscilla Shirer speak in a video recently, she mentioned how we give our peace away. We stress, we doubt, we have anxiety, & these are the opportunities the devil waits for to attack us. There was so much truth in the words she spoke.

So why is it that we hand over the peace that Jesus died to give us in God? Sometimes, it could be out of habit, other times, it can be out of wanting to be in control, but in the end, we know that God has the final say.

Because of Jesus & the faith that we have in Him, we have direct access to God. We can go directly to God in prayer & be in His presence. A lot of times, we do this AFTER we do everything else. So why not put our faith into action & start with the source?

Quote: “Make God your first priority, not your last resort.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2016


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