Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Happy Birthday to me!! I am so grateful for the blessing to see another birthday. It’s amazing what the past year has brought me. I feel that it’s been one of my toughest, but best years in the terms of growth that I’ve had. I pray that I am able to apply what I’ve learned & continue to grow in God. He has shown me so much about Him & about myself.

As I reflect today, I’m reminded of God’s plans for my life. When I was born, the doctors told my parents that I wouldn’t live, BUT GOD had other plans—–I’m still here & seeing Him reveal what He has called me to do, while developing me into who He wants me to be. So no matter what someone may say about you, what does God say? What do His words reveal to you? Because if my parents & family went by what the doctors said on my birthday those years ago, I wouldn’t be typing this for you to read.

This year has taught me that things go, people go, I’ve stressed about things & people I can’t change, & so much more. But as I wind down this last quarter of 2017, one of my most important lessons & revelations is to LIVE. Live the life that God has called me to, knowing that He has EVERYTHING under control. I think the act of completely surrendering everything we are & all that we wish to be to God is a tough thing for many of us—but I believe that God has a way of putting us in the mindset & situations to do so, especially when we’re seeking Him with all our mind & heart.

So for this upcoming year, I’m looking for amazing things; the things that only God can do. For these things happen for us to give Him all the honor, credit, & glory—they bring us closer to Him. There’s nothing He won’t do for us according to His will.

Here’s to another amazing Born-Day! I’m grateful for the blessing of it & all that these years have taught me.

God’s plans are amazing! Don’t let anyone (even doctors) speak otherwise over your life.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2017


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