Things 2017 Has Taught Me

A friend posed the question, “What has 2017 taught you?”  It’s one of the questions where I took some time to reflect & decided upon the top 3 lessons (in no particular order):

  • That I Am Stronger Than I Know: 2017 brought upon many personal challenges that I had to realize, face, & walk through.  It’s one thing to think about something, but it’s another to acknowledge it, deal with it, & walk the journey to what it entails to grow from it.  These all contain different growing pains, even crying times, & sleeplessness.  However, once I began to pray, release things & people over to God (including myself), the path became lighter & a little easier.  I still have ‘my days’, but these are becoming less & less.  If there is something you’re facing or afraid to face, seek God, pray, & see what He’s guiding you to do.  It may not be easy, but the end results are worth it.
  • That God Loves Me Unconditionally: Okay, so this may seem like something that I should already know, but I began to walk in this as well.  Most times, it’s easier to say something, but a whole different journey begins when it is taken to heart, soul, & mind.  Once these aligned, I got the chance(s) to open my eyes to God’s unconditional love & receiving it completely.  Sometimes, it’s something that we say, but must feel too!  May your heart, soul, & mind be open to all that God sees in you, has for you, & is doing in your life!
  • Who My True Peeps Are: When the journey was tough, & the road was hard to see, God showed me who would stand by my side no matter what.  One of the ‘funniest’ things is that some of the ones who I thought would be there until the end were the ones who faded away & the ones who I didn’t know would be there, stood by me, prayed, & were (& are) unconditional. I learned that God gives me continuous blessings in people I didn’t initially recognize.  Or if I did recognize them, I did a better job of showing my appreciation to them.  Be sure to be open to who God may bring into your life; your answers may come in the packages you least expect; & for those who are there & have hung in there with you, don’t forget to let them know that you love & appreciate them.

2017 was a year of growing pains, but I wouldn’t be where I am at this moment without it or them!  However, I can say, that I’m looking forward to 2018 & growing throughout it.

Keep your heart & mind open to God’s will for you!  I’m praying for you & your journey.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2017


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