Daily Scriptures 5/11/11

Scripture: Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (NIV)

Nugget: Forgiveness is something that I continue to work on; I believe this is definitely a characteristic of God that many of us struggle with. Because as we all know, God is a forgiving God, without any conditions attached to His forgiveness.

What I’ve learned so far on this prayerful road to forgiveness is that peace comes with forgiveness. If we truly forgive someone, we’re able to move on (with or without the person) & have peace about our decisions. By no means am I saying let someone take advantage of you, but I am saying once the decision is made to forgive, move on from the hurt, pain, etc. & continue towards God’s direction of peace (please keep in mind, peace may include removing the person or people from your life).

Thanking God for always being a forgiving God & for His work to instill this characteristic in me!

Quote: “Forgiveness is not saying the offense never happened. It did.
Forgiveness is not saying that everything is okay. It isn’t.
Forgiveness is not saying we no longer feel the pain. We do.
I still feel the pain, but I am willing to let go of your involvement in my pain.
Forgiveness is an attitude of faith whereby you are able to turn over to God the business of how the other party is doing.
Forgiveness is saying, “I’m okay, and I am willing to let God deal with whether you are okay, and I am willing to let go of my need to be the instrument of correction and rebuke in your life.”” -Len Sweet

© Lisi P, 2011


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