Happy 2011!!!

Happy 2011!!  Wishing you all of God’s best for the New Year!  There are so many things I’m looking forward to: both seen & unseen.

As we begin this new day & year of 2011, we must remember to leave the things & people behind in 2010 that do not need to go with us into 2011.  These are the things we must let go of!  Don’t hold on; let it go.  Sometimes, we hinder ourselves from what’s to come & what God’s trying to bless us with because of what we decide to hold on to.
Do an inventory of where you’re trying to go & what it will take to get there.  If there is anything that is not supposed to be there, let it go!  If there is someone who is not supposed to be there, let him/her go!  If there are things you’re working on to improve yourself, do these things!! Life is too short to see things any other way.  Do not take for granted the new opportunities, things, & people to come.  Make room for God’s gifts.
Again, Happy 2011!!!  Expecting God’s best this year & always.
Until next time.

© Lisi P, 2011


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