
My vacation break began a few days ago and I’m grateful for the time off. God continues to show me the importance of rest; both physical rest & resting in Him & His promises. God continues to show me so much that I don’t want to miss anything 🙂

One of the most important things I’m reflecting on is appreciation; appreciation for the simple things, the good people, & what God has entrusted me with. We tend to focus on so many other things, that we really lose focus on what’s right in front of us. I don’t want to take any of it for granted.

God has truly blessed me in spite of myself! I think of the friends I have who are like family; basically, they are my extended family. I think of the unexpected phone calls & texts that make my day by reaching me at the “right moment”, lifting my spirits. I think of the time spent with loved ones & the upcoming time to spend with family. God is truly good.

Appreciation…so glad to show it & so grateful to God for His mercy & grace. As Christmas approaches, this word means so much more; appreciation just for being able to exist to appreciate the reason for the season: Jesus!

Thanking God for all He does & all He continues to do. Thanking God for the reminder of appreciating where I am & where I’m going. Appreciation—how are you showing your thanks for it??

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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