Arlisia Potter happy,lessons,life,relax,time Simple Things…..

Simple Things…..

Today I watched my child-cat sitting on the porch looking at the birds fly by.  It’s amazing the things cats find to look at when we think that they are looking at “nothing”.  He will sit out there for hours just observing.  As much as I tried to keep up with his watching, I couldn’t & found something else that took away my time.

However, this lesson gave me the chance to look at my thought process differently 🙂  Watching him reminded me of taking in the simple things in life. The things we overlook, take for granted, or let pass us by.  The things we don’t take the time to really see or listen to.  It reminded me of the mother who tells her child “in a minute” or the things I will put off to do “until tomorrow” (although there is no guarantee of tomorrow). 

As each day goes by, my friends & I have been having more & more conversations about time passing too quickly.  I can’t believe we’re already this far into April!  Wow, just to pause in the middle of the day is a true blessing.  Then before I know it, it’s Friday & then Monday all over again!

With all of this said, I think I’ll sit out on the porch with my child-cat next time.  I’ll make the effort to sit out there “a little while longer” too see what he sees; maybe, just maybe, I’ll see something I haven’t noticed before—taking in the beauty of the simple things!!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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