Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures Daily Scriptures 9/11/09

Daily Scriptures 9/11/09

Scripture: Proverbs 31:23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

Nugget: The virtuous woman’s husband is “known in the gates”; he “sitteth” among the elders. Powerful. And yes, all the sisters said a big Amen. Lol!. On a more serious note, deep calleth unto deep. You can’t expect to be with a virtuous woman, if you are not willing/able to carry your own weight plus lift her up: v28: “her children arise up, and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her. The virtuous woman’s husband takes joy in her success.

Quote: “What you respect, you will attract” – Mike Murdock

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