Happy Anniversary!!!!

One year ago today I began Lisi’s Place blog. Time passes so quickly!!! I thank the friends & family who’ve encouraged me in this process. I am so happy to have started the blog, sharing experiences as well as learning along the way.

I am grateful for those who stop by, follow, & leave comments 🙂 I’ve met so many new people on here, who I never would’ve met otherwise. God has a way of leading like-minded people to us, we just have to pay attention!!

I’ve learned so much during this year & so many things have happened. I take the good with the bad & pray to learn from it all. I hope that this blog has helped you, encouraged you, & allowed you to grow in some way.

May God continue to bless this journey He’s put me on 🙂 I’m doing my best to keep up with Him & the direction He leads me in!

Keep reading, keep writing, & be encouraged. We have another year ahead of us!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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One thought on “Happy Anniversary!!!!”

  1. I can't believe it has already been a year!! Keep it coming. Thanks for all your kind words and support. God Bless.

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