Daily Scriptures 9/1/09

Scripture: Isaiah 61:7 Instead of being ashamed, my people will receive twice as much wealth. Instead of being disgraced, they will be happy because of what they receive. They will receive a double share of the land, so their happiness will continue forever. (New Century Version)

Nugget: God’s people are abundantly blessed! This scripture mentions a double blessing. No matter what you’re going through, or what things look like, God has a way of blessing you in spite of your situation.

In speaking with a friend yesterday, we were discussing life & all that God’s done for us. If He does nothing else, He’s already done enough. Count all blessings, because God doesn’t do anything halfway! There are double blessings all around us! And He’s not done yet!

Quote: “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” –W.T. Purkiser

© Lisi P, 2009


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