Arlisia Potter family,friends,life,time Life is Busy…..

Life is Busy…..

For the past few months, I have been very busy. Time has definitely gotten away from me! The thing is, we usually let this busyness comsume us & then we look back & wonder where the time went.

I’ve always said, that we make time for what we feel is important. So no matter how busy I’ve been, I’ve made the time to be in touch with friends & family, also to take some time for myself. The thing is, I’m putting aside time for people, but when I look around for the same, the first answer is, “I’ve been so busy”. I’m a firm believer that no matter how busy I get, I’m going to reach out to those who need me. Maybe I’ve always made myself the person to do that, but that’s what a good friend/etc. does, right?

I know that things get busy, but don’t get so busy that you overlook yourself, what’s going on around you, & those who need you. You never know what someone is going through & when they will need that kind ear. I’m not saying be someone’s garbage can by taking in numerous problems, but be the friend to them that they are to you.

Make time for what & who you feel are important.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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