Arlisia Potter life,relationships,single For My Singletons, Pt. 3

For My Singletons, Pt. 3

Okay Singletons, why would a 40-something year old divorcee w/ a child want to be “just friends” with a 30-year old? Now, this person lets you know they aren’t looking for a thing & has obliviously lived life, but wants nothing from you but friendship & to hang out. If you, on the other hand, want your next relationship (not with him of course) to go in the direction of being serious or have that possibility, why would you waste time with this mess? Hmmmm, warning bells.

Now the man tries to convince you that you’re both saying the same thing! Now, we know this isn’t the case. For he is saying, he wants a friend (& could have many “friends”) & you’re saying that you want to spend time with someone who’s on your page. LOL. Needless to say, this is not & will not be the one for me.

With all of this being said, ladies & gents, make sure you pay attention to what someone is saying to you. Because in the end, this will be what they return back to; for instance, if something were to happen in this situation, this man would say, “I told you in the beginning I wasn’t looking for a relationship, I wanted a “friend”. So pay close attention. Because I quickly let this man know, I have enough friends to hang out with & I’m looking for someone who’s on the same page as myself & he should find the same for himself. LOL

Wait for God. Don’t settle. Don’t get caught up in some mess & end up wondering “why” and “what happened” later. God knows what’s best & you can see drama & a mess coming at you with warning bells!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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One thought on “For My Singletons, Pt. 3”

  1. Usually when guys give me the “looking for a friend” line, I usually tell them that I’m not hiring and if someone falls by the wayside or kicks the bucket I’ll let ’em know. Just what you need another “friend.” He needs to go sit down somewhere. Tell him I said so.

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