
So, I’ve finally decided to enter the world of having my own blog! My friends have encouraged me to do this (thanks ladies!!). Not that I’m new to blogging, just never ventured out to having my own site. I want to use this blog to share experiences, encourage, and more. I’m sure that the experiences will be interesting; if not, my thoughts will get ya!!!

For today, I’d like to start off with something positive. Since this year is way more than half-way over, I reflect back on what I wanted at the beginning of the year. One of those things was to continue to have myself surrounded by positive people. This has happened for me!!! The nay-sayers have fallen by the wayside and life continues on with those who have my back and can tell me like-it-is out of love!!! There’s nothing like some positive sista-friends, brotha-friends, and family. For you who are surrounded by the ones who have things to “add” to your life other than positivity, reevaluate these relationships and determine if they are truly healthly for you. Sometimes we hang on to the stuff we need to let go of the most!!

On this note, I sign off from my 1st posting!! Have a great day and know that each day is a gift from God. Enjoy it.

Until next time.


~Lisi P

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© Lisi P, 2008


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