Happy 2020!!!

Happy New Year!!! 2020 is here! I can say that I’ve been looking forward to a new year & the excitement it brings.

In looking back over 2019, it was another year of stretching. If I thought that 2018 was something, 2019 picked up where 2018 left off! There were times where I was drained emotionally, spiritually, & physically. Although I faced one of my toughest professional years, I am stronger because of it. The challenges I faced brought me to places I didn’t think I had the strength to withstand. God drew out of me things I didn’t know that existed inside of me. Without the experiences of last year, I wouldn’t have developed the spiritual muscles needed to face what is coming. I am stronger than what I know & am ready for what God has next for me.

Many need a new year as a new beginning to reset & start again. It’s a way to begin afresh. However, a new year is just another day if we’re going to repeat the same behaviors of last year with no changes. For instance, if we begin today with the attitudes & baggage from last year, how will it be different? Today is as different as we make it & how different we choose to be. There’s no way to get something new out of repeating the old. Use each day, not only a new year, as a new start! In doing this, we’re making the most of the opportunities each day brings.

By no means was 2019 all bad! Yes, it was a stretching year for me professionally, but the challenges made me refocus & renew my purposeful gifts from God. It made me think & walk into pursuing purpose beyond the box that I put myself in. I am going to continue to my writing & my goal of finishing my 1st novel. A novel is something I’ve wanted to complete for a while, & in 2019 I made tremendous progress towards this goal. 2020 will be the year of completion & the continual walking in my purpose, not existing through day-to-day life. There’s so much to live for.

In 2019, I also found love, or should I say that God lead it to me. The only way that the meeting of my guy & I can be explained is God. We continue to walk the path that God has called us to & let Him guide us along the way. We’re looking forward to what this year brings for us.

Every year I choose Anchor Verses to guide me throughout the year; they are verses that I focus on, pray about, & have as reminders to help me along the way. For 2020, I’m including one from past years & a new one as well:

  • “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” -Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV)
  • “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” –Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

For this year, I chose a word to take action on regarding my walk with God. This word is abundance. When I looked up abundance in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, its meaning is as follows:

  • Existing or occurring in large amounts & marked by great plenty

This word was revealed to me during my prayer time. I began to examine my journey & there have been various times in which I’ve lived life existing, rather than living fully in God & what He has in store for me. So rather than living day-to-day, I want to be in His abundance in all areas of my life, including my relationship with Him & Jesus, my purposeful career, & life’s journey. It’s a new year, my friends & family. Don’t take it for granted, but more importantly, don’t take the gift of each day for granted.

As it was mentioned at church last night: 2020 will be better!!! BUT, the better will depend on us & our actions.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2020


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