
For this past week, I’ve been taking the time to regroup during the time I’ve had off from work. It’s truly been a relating & much needed time to myself; additionally, time with friends. I’ve had the time to reflect on what & who’s important, time to remember not to take things so seriously, time to reflect on future goals & dreams, & time to reflect on how short life truly is. I can honestly say that during this time, I didn’t spend much time in God’s word, but I did work on being in His presence, trying to be still, trying to pray more/better, & knowing that in this stillness He’s here.

In spite of all of this, today I found myself getting anxious about the upcoming week & the things I’ll have to face. But in the midst of this, I remembered that there’s peace that can only come from God & His word. As I’ve said before, life is precious & today’s has its own worries (& seeing/facing tomorrow is not necessarily guaranteed). Matthew 6:34 (NIV) says: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Today is truly enough for today!

Time with God & time with self are very important. They are a must in our lives & should be taken no matter what is going on with us & around us. What a great dose of medicine & reality I received for myself for this past week.

May you take the time you need to regroup & to refocus as well. Don’t underestimate the importance of these actions & what they mean for you & your relationships with God, yourself, & others.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2013


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