Daily Scriptures 2/6/12

Scriptures: II Samuel 6:14&16 14And David danced before the LORD with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. 16But as the Ark of the LORD entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she was filled with contempt for him. (NLT)

Nugget: David celebrated & danced before the Lord, regardless of what people said or thought about him; he danced regardless of his clothing & environment. David danced, shouted, & praised the Lord for all that He had done. Even David’s wife, Michal, had complaints about David’s praise, but no matter what, David danced anyways!

How do you praise God, both when people are around & when they aren’t? When they offer up criticisms, how do you praise God? Do you praise Him anyhow? Do you stop your praise?

Give no one power over your praise! Dance anyhow!! Our God is worth all the praise. If someone thinks or acts otherwise, ignore them & dance like David danced!! Praise like he praised! Our God definitely deserves to be praised!

Quote: “The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance.” -C.S. Lewis

© Lisi P, 2012


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