October is Here!

Yes, my favorite month has arrived. Okay, it’s my birthday month, but it’s also the time when the weather changes a little more & if I were up North I would see the leaves changing. That’s nothing but beautiful.

So yesterday was the 1st & what a crazy day it was. The day before, my signals (or as I call them “blinkers”) went out on my car. A few months ago, a friend backed into my car in the parking lot, so I figured this new glitch could have something to do with the repair that was completed by the shop. Needless to say, it didn’t. Therefore my check I just received (refer back to previous blog “A Paid Writer”) is now gone due to paying for the repairs. Aaaaahhhhh. I was too frustrated with the turn of yesterday’s events. I really wanted to save the money, give to church, & get myself something (at least one thing) nice! As one of my friends once said, that’s why they call it “cash flow”. Yes all, it comes & goes. Mine definitely went out as fast as it arrived.

During my frustration, I spoke to a few sista friends & my cousin. And that truly helped. I try to be positive most days, so for me to have this crazy day, I was trying to hold onto that. But we’re all human! However, they were able to help me see the good in the situation. I had the funds to get the repair done & have other blessings to count.

Wednesday night is Bible Study, so once I got home I was contemplating not going because of the day’s events. But I went, and everything Pastor spoke on was speaking right to me. The songs sang by the Praise Team were right on time. I absolutely needed Bible Study! A bit of advice: if you’re feeling down, don’t have a pity party for too long. Do something &/or talk to someone that will help bring you up. Because in the midst of “crazy” days, there is at least one blessing. I know when the craziness is going on, it’s hard to see, but it’s so very true & most times, things work out.

Maybe the 2nd day of October will be better than the 1st!! But I’ll accept the 1st for what it was & keep moving on. Today wasn’t guaranteed & I want to make the best of it 🙂

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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