Rough Week……

Last week was a rough week. Most of my friends know that I go into this job that I’m really over & really want to move on from. However, with the market being the way it is, I must count my blessings & be grateful that my bills are paid & I have a roof over my head!! This doesn’t mean I don’t have to pray myself through the minute, hour, day, or week at this place!! But it does mean that I must keep looking for that next better career move.

I guess I am learning more about praying & waiting, & waiting & praying. I know God puts us in situations to test our faith, to challenge us, & to develop us, but sometimes we have to ask, “Does it take all of this God?”. I’m guessing the answer is “yes” considering I’m still there!! But I’ve learned also for God to reveal to me what He wants me to learn while I’m in my current job situation.

So, if you’re in a current setting that you’re trying to get out of or trying to get to that next thing (speaking of career-wise, educational-wise, & these sort of things), ask God to reveal to you what He wants for you to learn while you’re still there. He may be working on that next thing for you, but wants you to develop certain characteristics to handle that next thing. Now sista-friends & gents, I’m not talking about bad relationships & stuff like that, but talking about that next thing that’s going to enhance your personal & professional growth to the next level. For everything that occurs there is usually something that’s being developed within you.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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One thought on “Rough Week……”

  1. And it’s interesting that you posted this blog as well! Lol… I’ve had a hard time with certain people on my job making my job itself very difficult to deal with. I even considered quiting without notice about a month ago. Although I’m fortunate enough to have parents who are still willing to take care of me if need be, I’m almost 22 years old! I may not have any real responsibilities (i.e, kids, mortgage, etc.), but there are things that I have personally decided to take on in order to develop a pathway to independence. As for the comment you left on my blog, I have experienced, in the past, that if God is trying to guide you but you ignore all the signs that He has put right in your face, He will eventually make it so that you CAN’T ignore Him. I’m anxious to see what He has planned for me.

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