Why You Should….Pt. 2

Why you should have a Girls Nite Out….it’s the best thing to get all your friends together & enjoy yourselves. You’re away from work, life, significant others, etc. What a way to laugh & have fun.

My friends & I recently did this to celebrate my new job (Yay!!) & what a great time. It’s good to have great conversation, fun, & more w/ your Sista Friends. It also reminds me of how blessed I am to have these great women & friends in my life. They are the ones who prayed for me during my difficult journey (& will continue to do so!), who sent me job listings, who had my back w/ a kind ear, & then some.

These are the type of people that we must learn to keep around!!! I pray that I am a blessing to them as well. Thank God for good people!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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