
I’m so excited. My sista friends & I are planning a trip to celebrate one of their birthdays! There’s nothing like getting together w/ your friends & celebrating every chance we can get. AND I finally get to get a stamp in my Passport!!! Yes!!!!

This is something for everyone: enjoy life. From the smallest things to the bigger things. We never know when our last day will be & once we’re older, we don’t want to look back always wishing that we’ve could’ve done more. I’m learning this daily. I will continue to work on my “Bucket List” of things I would love to do in my lifetime. But working on it is not just enough, doing it is.

On to other exciting news, I miss some of my old co-workers. Not the craziness of the job, but the people. So, we’re also planning a get-together within the coming weeks. Also, a friend I haven’t seen in a while is coming to town, so it’s going to be nice catching up!

I guess the whole point of this posting is to take time out for self, for those you love & care about, & to take a breather. Don’t let the joys of life pass you by 🙂

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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