Still Surviving…..

My Survivor Island is going well. Got a few boxes out of the way & more things in order. Finally back in the world of the Weather Channel, although they have to come out & fix something with the cable signal. Got my phone back working, then it went out. LOL. Still no Internet at home. LOL. But hey, if I am going to do Survivor, it might as well be at my own place—so I’m not complaining one bit!! It’s all part of the process 🙂

Other than that, made the 90 day mark on my new job. It feels good; things are coming along. Learning & working, working & learning, so all is well.

I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter!! I enjoyed mine. Went to church & then went to a friend’s wedding. I loved the wedding & getting caught up w/ long-time friends. Where have the years gone?!?!? But as I always tell “my boys” (as I like to call this close group of guy friends), they will always remain older than me 🙂 But seriously, when we grow up??? It’s like yesterday we were hanging out in college. Wow, time flies.

One day at a time all; Enjoy!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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