Last Year At This Time

A close friend & I usually have these deep conversations about the years flying by. We always say, “I wonder where we’ll be next year at this time.” This makes me reflect on where I was last year at this time. I was working a number of jobs, very tired, and trying to find that place of peace. There was so much I was trying to do & so much I wanted to do, that I didn’t have time for anything.

I think we all go through that phase of trying to find ourselves, or at least the happy medium. Trying to make things better, without realizing what we’re going through at the time. Although last year at this time was tough for me, I am thankful for it. It was a time in my life that needed to happen.

So back to my friend & I conversing; this year at this time, I am in a much better place. God is providing blessings that I couldn’t imagine. There are some that I didn’t know that He was working on. He’s just so amazing. I’m not just saying this because things are happening now, because things were happening for me last year during my difficult times as well. I just learned during that time, “God remains in control no matter what.”

With this being said, where were you last year at this time? Where are you this year? You never know where you’ll be next year. Try to be better than the year before. If you aren’t where you want to be, there’s always time for improvement. If you aren’t where you need to be, there’s always time for change. If you have no clue, try to be something that’s enhancing you, helping others, & displaying God’s overall love!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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