Arlisia Potter Uncategorized Happy Spiritual Birthday to Me!

Happy Spiritual Birthday to Me!

5 years ago today I was Baptized!!!! Time has flown by! One thing’s for sure, I wouldn’t change a thing about my Christian walk. Everything that has happened, has helped me to become who I am.

The thing is, I think that most of us know that God is calling us & we don’t listen. Because once I got Baptized, I remembered signs beforehand showing that it would happen. I believe that I put it off for months, but God doesn’t give up on us!!! Thank goodness.

There’s still so much to learn, but the growth I’ve experienced keeps me going. I am glad to have a great group of friends, a loving church, strong Christian people surrounding me, & a wonderful Pastor.

For those contemplating giving their lives to the Lord, pray, seek His wisdom & guidance, & give yourself to Him. Believe me, there’s nothing like it. You won’t be the same & your life won’t be the same. There will be challenges, of course, but the way you handle them & deal with them will be so completely different. People will even tell you that you aren’t the same person anymore; you will have a complete change in attitude!!! That’s God.

One of my favorite songs is “Jesus, You’re the Center of My Joy”, by Richard Smallwood. It was sung in church on this past Sunday (by Brother Larry), but here’s a video of Richard Smallwood singing it, very touching:

May God bless you!!

Until next time,

~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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