Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures Daily Scriptures 6/22/09

Daily Scriptures 6/22/09

Scripture: Matthew 1:19 Then Joesph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.

Nugget: Joseph was engaged to Mary (the mother of Jesus) only to discover that she was pregnant, and they had never slept together. No one would have judged him if he publicly embarrassed her – I mean, the best excuse she had was the she was pregnant for the Holy Ghost? Yeah right! But Joseph was a just man (thank God for just men) – though he didn’t buy her story, he felt the obligation to not make her a public spectacle. He was not going to marry her; but neither was he going to disgrace her. It speaks of the value he placed on Mary; despite the current circumstance. He didn’t believe her, because it seemed so out there – but yet he trusted her, and could not reconcile the situation. So he chose to do what he deemed to be right, irrespective of his feelings or other people’s opinions. He was more interested in protecting Mary, than protecting his own image.

Quote: “The price you are willing to pay, is a reflection of the value you place on the item” – anonymous

From I&A


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