
Mondays are usually difficult due to us trying to get past the weekend being over. However, today flew by!!

On another note, I received a big kudos from my boss today. I am so happy! It definitely feels good, especially since I’m the newest person on the team. I truly needed that though; I am glad that I’m learning & making progress with my new job. I am liking what I do & love the opportunity for growth.

Started back my Taebo regimen over the weekend! Love Taebo & Billy Blanks is motivating. Oooohhh, I just went to www.billyblanks.com and see that a new version of Taebo is out. I’ll have to check that out.

Okay, my child-cat just sat on my arm & it’s hard for me to type. What a brat!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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2 thoughts on “Kudos!!!”

  1. It's always a blessing to me to get Kudos from my boss! Keep up the good work at your new job! It always pays off somewhere down the road~!

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