Look to God

One of the best gifts I’ve ever received is the T.D. Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed! Bible. It was a gift to me at a time in my life when I really needed it (not that I didn’t have other Bibles, but this one has a lot of additions such as “Gospel Pearls” and other encouraging sections). In reading today, I came across this:

Look to God
(Philippians 4:19-20)

Look to God when there are needs in your life. He satisfies. Like calm sheep grazing in the afternoon sun, you will find fulfillment for your soul and contentment within yourself.

There is a difference between wants and needs. There are many things that you will want and some that you will intensely desire. That doesn’t necessarily mean you will have them. There will be many desires that are born in your heart through other sources. Some will come from your peers and friends. Some will come from your age and stage in life. There will be times when things as inanimate as a television set will influence what you feel you need. Amidst all of these influences, God will not grant to you everything you suggest. A good father doesn’t give in to every whim. He decides carefully what is best.

It is going to require faith, but you must with maturity begin to conclude that if God doesn’t grant it, you don’t need it. You may want it; but if it were a need, He would have supplied it. He promised. You don’t have to beg or plead. You don’t have to manipulate or pout. If God has promised, His Word is sure. That means that when there is a discrepancy between what you think you need and what is being supplied, God cannot lie. If it were for your good–if it were a need, emotionally, physically, or spiritually–He would supply it.

Remember that you are to prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers (see 3 John 2). If your soul is not prospering, that is the primary need. Nothing should be of greater concern than that. Every other supply is going to flow “as your soul prospers.” That is why you must be sure that you maintain a healthy heart for God and a sound mind. For what would it profit you to gain this whole world and lose your soul (see Mark 8:36)?

Don’t lose your soul (mind, memory, and affections) over things. Don’t stress out or burn out, become jealous or enter into warfare over things. They will not profit if your values are misconstrued. Keep your head in the right place. Seek His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things, whatever they are, shall be added unto you (see Matthew 6:33). Why? Because they will come to you as your soul prospers.

If you are reading this and your life has been ransacked, the very first thing you should do is make sure you are in a right relationship with Jesus Christ. It does matter. When you are in right standing with Him, you have a guarantee that if something is a need, He will supply it. It may not come when you think you should have it, but it will come when you need it most.

-T.D. Jakes

This is such an encouraging word. I pray that it uplifts you in some way! There’s nothing like God’s word to put things in prospective. Look to God…..

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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