
People. The many that we cross in our lifetime; those who are suppose to stay & those who are supposed to go. Most of them making some sort of impact on our lives. The funny thing is, we as humans, tend to hang on to the ones who we need to let go of. I think that as I grow in my Christian walk & get a little older, I’m able to differentiate more & more.

The thing about people & living is forgiveness. We all feel that we’ve been done wrong at some point in time, but forgiveness is difficult regardless. I think of how many times God has forgiven me over & over again, regardless of what I’ve done (or what I haven’t done). I don’t know if I can take this same stance with people, as some step in & you forgive & forgive, but when do you not allow yourself to get walked all over? I think that the main thing is, with some people, we have to learn to forgive for ourselves: meaning, you forgive for you in order for you to let go & to move on. The more you hold on to stuff you need to let go of, the more you get weighed down.

As one of my wise mothers states, “People are people.” We are a part of this “people” too; we’ve let others down & hurt some as well. But forgiveness, hmmmm. We seek this from people & they would want the same from us, right?

Live, learn, love. Live each day as if it were your last; Learn from experiences & grow; Love like God loves us. There’s something to gather from every experience (at least this is what I think). I’m still working on forgiveness, but I’m a lot further along than I used to be. When it gets difficult to forgive & to let go, I think of God. I think of forgiving & moving on (whether the person is to remain in my life or not). Importantly, forgive and have peace.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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