Praise Song: “Let Go”

The Praise Song for this week is “Let Go” by Dewayne Woods. This song reminds us that God is in control no matter what; we must turn things completely over to Him. I hope this is a blessing to you!!!

I couldn’t seem to fall asleep
There was so much on my mind
Searching for that peace
But the peace I could not find
So then I kneeled down to pray
Praying help me please
Then He said you don’t have to cry
Cause I’ll supply all your needs

As soon as I stop worrying (soon as I stopped worrying)
Worrying how the story ends (When I let go)
I let go (And I let) and I let God (let Him have)
(Let Him Have) Let God have His way
(That’s when things) That’s when things start happening
I’ll stop looking at back then
I let go and I’ll let God have His way

There so much going on
Sometimes I can’t find my way
And often times I struggle
Struggle from day to day
I have to realize that it’s not my battle
It’s not my battle to fight

I have to know if I to put it in His hands
That everything will be alright

(Back to Chorus)
Let go

Let God x5
My brother let go

And let God
My sister you can’t handle it
Let God

Oh let go
And let God [x3]
Let go

Let God [x6]

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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