Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures,God Daily Scriptures 9/17/09

Daily Scriptures 9/17/09

Scripture: Proverbs 9:10: Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom, knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. (NLT)

Nugget: We all want to have ‘good judgment’; we all crave the ability to easily make good decisions. Not to spend weeks and months agonizing over what is the right choice, but to make instant choices, to have great discernment – whether it be regarding an investment, a relationship, a career move, assessment of someone, etc.

But the answer to good judgment is embarrassingly simple. It doesn’t require 40 day fasts, it doesn’t require praying nonstop for hours; the Bible says ‘knowledge’ of the Holy One automatically results in good judgment. C’est fini. You want good judgment – you must be willing to pay the price to know God’s word. As you spend time in God’s word, and subconsciously over time, it becomes part of your operating fabric. However, note that the basis, the foundation for this good judgment is wisdom – which you get by having a fear of the Lord.

Quote: “The book of Proverbs is conveniently broken down into 31 chapters – one a day every month will make a real difference in your life.” – Mike Murdock

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