You Are Enough

We all experience moments of doubt.  Some people may have more doubts than others, but we all have them. Unfortunately, sometimes these doubts make us question whether we are good enough.

Additionally, it’s possible for our doubts to overshadow our faith, sometimes having a paralyzing effect. In those moments, we must remember God’s words and the unique gifts He has given each of us to fulfill specific purposes.

But how do we go from doubt to faith?  And not just faith, but unwavering faith.

I believe this transition rests in our ability to remember God’s track record.  Even in our moments of doubt, God has not failed us.  He may answer in His own timing, but He’s always on time.  Within God’s track record is His ability to show us that He’s faithful and that He’s designed us for more.  We are truly enough.  We can accomplish what He’s put us here to do because we wouldn’t be able to do it without Him or the calling that He’s placed on our lives.

When doubt creeps in, it’s okay to remind yourself of Whose you are: You are a His.  You are a child of God!

You are enough because He designed you to be!  You are enough because you are His!  You are enough because He says so.

Reminder from Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

We need to affirm to ourselves: “I am good enough.  I am enough.”

Until next time. 


© Lisi P, 2024


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