Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures,faith,God Daily Scriptures 12/9/09

Daily Scriptures 12/9/09

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

Nugget: In this particular scripture, we see that those who wait around for the wind to shift in the right direction do not sow and those who wait for the clouds to shift do not reap. This also refers to things in life—we have to pray (seeking God’s guidance), step out and “go for it”, knowing that God always has our back. Sometimes, we try to wait until the “perfect” opportunity to step out and get things done. What we fail to realize is that for some things, there is no “perfect” time. We must step out on faith and let God do the rest.

Quote: “What exactly does it take to live the life of your dreams? Perfect timing? Fortunate opportunities? A million dollars in the bank? Not even close. It takes a decision; a simple decision that will ultimately test the strength of your commitment and the depth of your faith.” -Karen Wright

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