Achieving Balance

Wow, these days are flying by!! Time waits for no one. I’m learning more & more about achieving balance in my life. Lately, my schedule has been hectic. I find myself deciding what’s important & what I need to hold on to. In this analysis, I’m discovering that some things have to be let go.

I don’t have to volunteer for everything & I don’t have to overextend myself. My Pastor’s said before, “No is not a bad word!”. LOL, what a true statement. The thing is, letting go of some of the things I’ve been doing for years; the certain committees, the certain volunteer opportunities, etc. I think the lesson here is, things change & progress occurs. In these changes, you’re changing too.

Not that I don’t like what I’ve been doing, I just need a true break to regroup & to focus on the new things that are a part of my life. I need to go back & look at the Bucket List I made last year & start checking things off! Life is so precious & the next moment is not guaranteed. There’s so much left to do & so much to see!!! With each day, God grants me the opportunity, by His mercy & grace, to experience everything! I must not take this for granted.

So, vacation is coming soon! I can’t wait. In the meantime, it’s time to get things in order & to work on that balancing act!! My Libra scales are calling me 🙂

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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