Daily Scriptures 4/18/13

Scripture: Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good. (NIV)

Nugget: With so much going on in today’s times, many may not believe that God is present. However, He is. God is continually watching over us, guiding us, & reminding us that His presence is there. Sometimes, it’s up to us to stop & take notice; other times, His presence is evident in the smallest of occurrences.

Looking at the news, my heart & prayers go out to everyone affected by the bombings, shootings, storms, floods, etc. that we’ve had recently. Many of us do our best not to question God as to “why” these things happen; instead we must pray harder, showing Him that we believe in His power & will. And we must take time to read & study our guidebook, the Bible, in order to understand some of the things that are happening, as they are mentioned there. God is trying to tell & show us something; we must pay attention.

God’s eyes are everywhere; upon us all. Don’t let the occurrence of today dampen your faith or belief in our God.

Quote: “God’s grace is not infinite. God is infinite, and God is gracious. We experience the grace of an infinite God, but grace is not infinite. God sets limits to His patience and forbearance. He warns us over and over again that someday the ax will fall and His judgment will be poured out.” -R.C. Sproul

© Lisi P, 2013


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3 thoughts on “Daily Scriptures 4/18/13”

  1. Hi Lisi! I'm so thankful that His grace IS sufficient! Thanks so much for sharing and thanks for linking up and following…following you back! Have a blessed weekend!

    Michell @Prowess and Pearls

  2. Thank you for the verse, and the quote.. Both very fitting..
    (hopped over here from Prowess and Pearls)

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