Lessons Learned

Have you ever had to learn a lesson the hard way?  I think it’s the only way for us to learn sometimes.  Well, for me, this recently happened.  I’ve been trying to juggle a lot at work & have been spreading myself thin.  I could’ve saved a lot of time & stress by asking for help.  Sometimes, all we have to do is ask.  Boy, this could’ve gotten me a lot further & a lot sooner.

I don’t know where this innate part of my personality came from: the desire to want to do everything & to try to everything.  I guess I think I’m Superwoman at times!  Maybe somewhat of a perfectionist.  I’m driven & determined to get things done & to accomplish what I set out to do.  But in reality, we all need help sometimes; we all need the time it takes to regroup & to find the common ground that helps us to get through the things that life throws our way.

Another good thing about life and lessons learned, are the positive people we have in our corners.  I like to think that I’m a very encouraging person; I love to make others feel better & give them the boost it takes to get to the next level God has in store for them.  I do try not to have too many “down” days!  But where does my encouragement come from?  Well, I’m thanking God for His word & for good people, family, & friends, because without these in my life I don’t know where I would be. 

I recently met a person who has to be one of the most encouraging people I know (besides myself *smile*).  I absolutely love his spirit & the words he shares with others.  His words have helped to keep me encouraged through these rough weeks & I don’t think he even knows how much they helped.  He’s a reminder that God works in so many ways & in ways we would least expect & in people we never knew would cross our paths.

I’m thanking God for lessons learned, unexpected people in unexpected places who cross our paths, & for all that He continues to do in me & through me. 

May we all learn to ask for help when needed, to seek God always, & to keep positive people around us! 

Proverbs 12:25 Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. (NLT)

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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